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2015年12月23日,华北电力大学/中国科学院等离子体物理研究所王祥科等团队在 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 在线发表题为“Magnetic polydopamine decorated with Mg–Al LDH nanoflakes as a novel bio-based adsorbent for simultaneous removal of potentially toxic metals and anionic dyes”的研究论文,该研究报道了一种新型磁性聚多巴胺(PDA) -LDH (MPL)双功能材料,该材料采用一种简单、绿色的方法同时去除潜在的有毒金属和阴离子染料。这种绿色、简便的合成方法、高效的去除性能和优异的可重复利用性表明,MPL组件在综合高效处理共存有毒污染物方面具有实际应用潜力。


另外,2014年11月21日,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所李家星及王祥科等合作在Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 在线发表题为“Reductive immobilization of uranium by PAAM–FeS/Fe3O4 magnetic composites”的研究论文,该研究采用丙烯酰胺(AAM)存在下FeS/Fe3O4化学共沉淀法原位合成了聚丙烯酰胺稳定的FeS/Fe3O4三元磁性复合材料(PAAM-FeS/Fe3O4),然后通过介质阻挡放电(DBD)等离子体诱导AAM在FeS/Fe3O4表面聚合。改性后的PAAM极大地提高了PAAM - FeS/Fe3O4在水溶液中的稳定性和分散性能。本文重点介绍了PAAM-FeS/Fe3O4复合材料作为环境放射性污染控制和核能和平利用中水溶液中痕量U(VI)离子预富集和提取的合适材料,如从海水中提取痕量U(VI)离子。但是,在2022年11月16日,该文章被撤回,主要原因是数据异常。

2015年12月7日,王祥科,李家星及徐锡金共同通讯在 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 在线发表题为“Formation of Fe3O4@MnO2 ball-in-ball hollow spheres as a high performance catalyst with enhanced catalytic performances”的研究论文,该研究报道了一种简单的SiO2@Fe3O4@MnO2原位生长过程,然后用蚀刻方法合成了一个分层的空心结构,即Fe3O4@MnO2 球中球空心球体(Fe3O4@MnO2 BBHs)。这项工作为复杂空心结构的可控合成及其在环境修复中的应用提供了新的策略。但是,在2022年11月16日,该文章被撤回,主要原因是文章图片重复使用。

据了解,王祥科是博导,国家杰出青年基金获得者,中科院百人,主要从事三废治理、纳米材料在废水处理、等离子体技术应用、环境污染检测和治理中的应用等方面的研究工作。主持与参加了重点基金、国家973项目、国家重点研发计划课题等多项研究。王祥科在国际学术期刊如Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Environ. Sci. Technol., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Chem. Sci., Water Res., Sci. China Chem. 等重要杂志发表SCI论文300余篇,邀请综述50多篇, 授权国家发明专利40多项。




在征得作者同意后,英国皇家化学学会特此完全撤回这篇Journal of Materials Chemistry A 的文章,原因是考虑到发表文章中数据的可靠性。

图5B中MP-Cu(ii)和MPL3-Cu(ii)的XPS光谱除了在垂直轴上有缩放外,在940-945和962-964 eV区域是相同的。




Zhiyong Tang教授只参与了结果的讨论,没有参与实验数据的收集和分析以及稿件的撰写和修改。


[1]J. Li , Z. Shao , C. Chen and X. Wang , RSC Adv., 2014, 4 , 38192 —38198


1.Sequestration and speciation of Eu(III) on gamma alumina: role of temperature and contact order;

2.Formation of Fe3O4@MnO2 ball-in-ball hollow spheres as a high performance catalyst with enhanced cat;

3.A carboxymethyl cellulose modified magnetic bentonite composite for efficient enrichment of radionuc;


4.Magnetic Fe3O4@NiO hierarchical structures: preparation and their excellent As(v) and Cr(vi) removal capabilities, RSC Advances ;

5.Superior adsorption capacity of hierarchical iron oxide@magnesium silicate magnetic nanorods for fast removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution,Journal of Materials Chemistry A ;

6.Retraction: Polymer nanodots of graphitic carbon nitride as effective fluorescent probes for the detection of Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions, Nanoscale ;

7.The highly efficient adsorption of Pb(II) on graphene oxides: A process combined by batch experiment;

8.Competitive sorption and selective sequence of Cu(II) and Ni(II) on montmorillonite: Batch, modeling, EPR and XAS studies, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

9.Determination of Ni(II) uptake mechanisms on mordenite surfaces: A combined macroscopic and microscopic approach, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

10.Investigation of Eu(III) immobilization on gamma-Al2O3 surfaces by combining batch technique and EXAFS analyses: Role of contact time and humic acid;

11.Effects of Bacillus subtilis on the reduction of U(VI) by nano-Fe0,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

12.Determination of chemical affinity of graphene oxide nanosheets with radionuclides investigated by macroscopic, spectroscopic and modeling techniques, Dalton Transactions;

13.Enhanced adsorption of Eu(iii) on mesoporous Al2O3/expanded graphite composites investigated by macroscopic and microscopic techniques, Dalton Transactions;

14.Mutual effect of U(vi) and Sr(ii) on graphene oxides: evidence from EXAFS and theoretical calculations, Environmental Science: Nano;

15.Mutual effect of Cs(i) and Sr(ii) sorption on nano-talc investigated by EXAFS, modeling and theoretical calculations, Environmental Science: Nano;

16.Mechanistic insights into the decontamination of Th(iv) on graphene oxide-based composites by EXAFS and modeling techniques, Environmental Science: Nano;

17.Influence of aqueous sulfide on speciation of U(vi) adsorbed to nanomagnetite, Environmental Science: Nano;18.Enhanced adsorption of ionizable aromatic compounds on humic acid-coated carbonaceous adsorbents, RSC Advances;19.High sorption of U(VI) on graphene oxides studied by batch experimental and theoretical calculations, Chemical Engineering Journal;

20.The retention of uranium and europium onto sepiolite investigated by macroscopic, spectroscopic and modeling techniques, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

%3Dihub21.Adsorption of U(VI) on sericite in the presence of Bacillus subtilis: A combined batch, EXAFS and modeling techniques, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta;

22.Reductive immobilization of uranium by PAAM–FeS/Fe3O4 magnetic composites,Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology;

23.Magnetic polydopamine decorated with Mg–Al LDH nanoflakes as a novel bio-based adsorbent for simultaneous removal of potentially toxic metals and anionic dyes,Journal of Materials Chemistry A





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