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  • 网站名称:植物大战僵尸官网
  • 网站分类:游戏官网
  • 收录时间:2023-09-15
  • 浏览人数:431


“植物大战僵尸官网” 网站介绍

【植物大战僵尸】确实是一款年代久远的小游戏,它是由美国宝开游戏公司(PopCap Games)开发的一款益智策略类塔防御战游戏,于2009年5月5日发售,在PC上同时有普通版、年度版、长城版、西游版等多个版本。虽然发售时间已经不短了,但直到现在仍然很受玩家的喜欢。

PopCap Games was founded in 2000 in a Seattle attic apartment by three twenty-something refugees from the dot-com start-up wars who wanted to make fun video games for anyone to pick up and play. Now, PopCap has more resources, and bigger dreams, but the good news is that it’s still all about making irresistible games everyone will enjoy. PopCap has consistently made the most captivating and memorable games — from Bejeweled to Plants vs. Zombies, and many more. What’s the secret to PopCap’s success? It’s always hinged on three basics: hard work, attention to detail, and a fearless passion for making great games.


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